Monday, November 18, 2013

So, I've been thinking...

Lucky for most of my friends they will never see this! Seems that something has been rapidly changing inside of me lately, no I'm not expecting. It seems I have become very self aware and several events and changes have taken a course of action that have lead me to a place of revelation so to speak. I thought at first perhaps it was my over reaction, or that I was just losing it, frankly I was starting to get a little concerned a few days ago, really! But I have come to the conclusion, sad but true...all of my friends are crazy!

Now, I don't mean ALL of them but the bulk of them and the close ones that I would call good. This left me wondering how this had happened and what that meant for me. As I evaluated my lonely state and the actions of said crazy friends I thought to myself when did I ever think these actions were okay? Then it dawned on me, I thought these actions were okay or excusable when I was crazy or at least not in the frame of mind I find myself in these days. I call bullshit a lot more often, tell people to get over it. And though I have compassion like no other I will let them know where the buck stops. I mean we all must know at some point in time as adults how to act like one and make the correct and appropriate choices. I am not saying that I can't be your friend because you can't act like an adult occasionally, we ALL make mistakes but when we are calculated masterminds of how we can manipulate others and it becomes a vicious cycle and constant train wreck, no!

This is where this week has come to a head. I have found that surrounding myself by the crazy was no longer not only unhealthy but unacceptable and I would not allow myself to tolerate it in any form. Step number one was taking a hiatus from Facebook, which has been tough but also a huge relief. I miss by normal friends and my family that are far away but the time that I have back every day is amazing! Step number two was deciding to take a couple of days for myself, which I have NEVER done before and I must say I feel amazing! Step three was using that time to really clear my mind and think about what I need and where I want to go from here. I got a lot of work done! I obviously decided no more crazy friends and well maybe I will figure out how to make a few new ones along the way to pursuing the things that truly make me happy.


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