Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Beautiful Life

I have always had many thoughts on life but one of my personal favorites that really seems to reflect my travels is and my feelings tonight is; "Life is many things, we can not know how beautiful and joyous it truly is without feeling pain and sorrow." This self written quote holds very true today for I have lost but I have also seen what joy a person can bring to so many lives. As I met with some I knew and others I hadn't before I wondered at what point in time our paths, if ever, would have crossed. It seems that the power of one single person had led us all to be in that single place to be together as one. I have been gifted with the friendship of so many more wonderful people that are so amazing. This made me think about how life has a way of working it's magic, sometimes without us ever really knowing it. Not only did we have her presence among us for a short time but we will also have the continuation of that gift forever in the bonds that we made together.

 I know that I will never be the same after tonight. I have lost and will feel that emptiness inside forever but I will also fell that there was some splendid plan behind it all. If this has taught me one thing alone it would be that the immense love and appreciation we should have for every single person we meet every day. If we can say only one thing that it be I love you and if only one expression a warm, inviting, and genuine smile. I will go on from here making my mark with each and every life I have been graced with today. I will ive to the fullest, never hold back, smile like I mean it, give beyond measure and never have any regrets! I ask that you do the same.

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